I'm an Influenster!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Breaking Dawn Countdown

Today marks 100 days until Breaking Dawn hits the theaters!

Yes I have been waiting on this day.
Its a lot closer than 200 days..
Sadly I have been watching my hit counter since the last movie was
in theaters.
But that's Normal!

It is if you  live in Twilight world everyday
like the rest of the Twilight Fandom do.

We blog about our love of all things TWI
We chat together about how "Perfectly Normal"
our behaviors are.
We write fan fiction, so as to have new things to
drool over while we wait for tiny morsels
of info on the "Next" movie.

We read and re-read the series.
We beg Stefanie Meyer to Puuuullllleeeeeezzzzz
finish and publish Midnight Sun!
Our brothers-in-law hide our Twi-collection
during our son's birthday party....

Oh wait...Maybe that's just me..

And yes we count down the days until
Our favorite characters grace us on the big screen again.

I confess I have even created fan art.
And made tote bags from it, so as to
carry Twilight every where I go.
I even have 2 different Edward Dolls.

But I will be mad AGAIN
if I have to see Edward wearing RED lipstick
in this movie too.
It distracts me.
Why would he have cherry red lips people???

I still say that the first movie was the best.
Everyone looked normal, just a little pale.
That's how the books described.
Everyone acted normal.

I felt as though the Cullens were creepy
in the ones that followed.

So say what you will about Cathrine Hardwick
But I think she hit the spot.

So for the next 100 days I will hold out hope that I will
see some of that movie magic from the first in the series.

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