I'm an Influenster!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New Arrivals

I just got a new desk,
Which means my own space for writing.

I hope that also means I will do more writing.
So I thought I would give it a test run this morning.

So whats new at our house is new puppies!
Dotty the Daschund had 3 babies Saturday evening.
They are the cutest things!

All males, and mostly black, one does have some white on him.
My Husband named it Tipsy because it has a white tipped tail.
Tipsy is his favorite.
I think mine is the little runt that was born first,

He was breach, I laugh now when I think about it.
I was on the phone with my mom squealing and looking away,
She kept saying Tell him to pull.
I would look over at Jason and say pull.
He had his hands on each little tiny leg,
He would pull a little then make a noise like me.
He was afraid of breaking the little thing.

After the first one it was all good from there on.
Poor Dotty thought she was dying.
Her eyes were full of fear.
But after that first guy was here it was as if she said,
Oh! Ok, I got this.
I never heard another whimper or grunt out of her after that.

So we had an eventful weekend.
Could not even get the little momma to go to the bathroom.
She finally woke me yesterday to take her out.
Then this morning she woke me several times.

So I am glad she is learning to take care of herself as well.
I still have to give her water every few hours.
Even with a water bowl just out side the cage she doesn't leave them.

We can not wait till they are walking around and she might let us play with them!

So now I am greatly out numbered.
Me and Dotty against
Zach, Jace, and 4 male dogs.

Whew! That's too many males for one house!

Have A great day!
And prayers for my cousin Rach who is in the hospital
waiting for her own little miracle Katie Beth
to be big enough to be born healthy.

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